
Hair Mesotherapy

Two hair specialists doing hair mesotheraphy on a person's scalp - Feathair

What Is Hair Mesotherapy?

Hair Mesotherapy injection is a painless hair treatment for hairgrowth by injecting the vitamins, minerals and amino acid mixtures required for the hair into the scalp.

This method enables the components that nourish the hair follicles to settle in the hair easily. With this method, hair problems such as hair thinning and hair loss can be treated, as it thickens thinned hair, stops hair loss, and makes the hair stronger and shinier. It is considered one of the most popular applications in modern cosmetology in combating various hair problems with a fast hair growth effect.

Why Choose Our Hair Mesotherapy Treatment?

– Safe
– Painless
– Fast effective in hair re-growth

*This treatment is performed by a professional doctor

Get rid of the worries of hair thinning and hair loss. Book an appointment now!

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